جربت برنامج Microsoft Expression Web و وجدته جيدا جدا
في موقع www.udacity.com تجد بيانات كاملة عن كورس يدعى Responsive Web Design و تجد فيه معلومات قيمة جداً كما يمكن أن تجد كورس Responsive Images https://www.udacity.com/course/viewer#!/c-ud882/l-3532609279/m-3916878757 https://www.udacity.com/course/viewer#!/c-ud893/l-3523969367/m-3551129148 تمنياتي لكم بالتوفيق و قد يفيدك طريقة التقسيم في ال Bootstrap وفق الرابط http://www.w3schools.com/bootstrap/default.asp
The WebSocket specification—developed as part of the HTML5 initiative—introduced the WebSocket JavaScript interface, which defines a full-duplex single socket connection over which messages can be sent between client and server. The WebSocket standard simplifies much of the complexity around bi-directional web communication and connection management. WebSocket represents the next evolutionary step in web communication compared to Comet and Ajax. However, each technology has its own unique capabilities. Learn how these technologies vary so you can make the right choice.