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python programming language
python programming language
Python ist eine Programmiersprache, eine Sprache auf hohem Niveau, die einfach geschrieben und gelesen, leicht zu erlernen, verwendet Objekt, Open Source und skalierbare Programmierung. Python ist eine vielseitige, vielseitige Dolmetschersprache, die in vielen Bereichen weit verbreitet ist, z. B. beim Erstellen unabhängiger Software mit bekannten grafischen Schnittstellen und Websoftware, sowie als Skriptsprache, um die Leistung einiger der bekanntesten Programme zu steuern oder zu bauen. Im Allgemeinen kann Python verwendet werden, um einfache Programme für Anfänger zu programmieren und große Projekte wie jede andere Softwaresprache gleichzeitig abzuschließen. Programmieranfängern wird oft empfohlen, diese Sprache zu lernen, da sie eine der am schnellsten lernenden Sprachen ist.
Die Regierung konnte auch eine Reihe von Entscheidungen über die Verwendung des "neuen" Modells der "neuen
Sie erschien in
Jaydo Van Rossm[2] Ändern des Wertes einer Eigenschaft (P287) in Wiki-Daten
Multi-Plattform[3] Property Value Modification (P306) in Wiki-Daten
Python Software Corporation License[4] Ändern des Wertes einer Eigenschaft (P275) in einem Daten-Wiki
Python Software Foundation
Jaydo Van Rossm[1] Ändern des Wertes einer Eigenschaft (P178) in Wiki-Daten
Letzte Ausgabenummer
3.8.2 (24. Februar 2020) (stabile Version)[5] und 3.9.0a5 (23. März 2020) (Alpha-Version)[6] Änderung des Eigenschaftswertes (P348) in Wiki Data
Beeinflusst durch
Ghoul68[7], Abc (Programmiersprache)[8], C[9], C++[10], Pearl, Java, Lisp, Haskell[11], IPL, Clo Programming System, Dylan und Aikon ändern den Wert der Eigenschaft (P737) in WikiData
pyc, pyc, pyd, pyo, pyw, pyz modify eigenschaftswert (P1195) in wiki-Daten
Offizielle Website[12] Ändern des Wertes einer Immobilie (P856) in Wiki-Daten
Quellbearbeitung - Bearbeiten der Vorlagendokumentation
Python wurde Ende der 1980er Jahre im CWI Center in Amsterdam von Jaydo Van Rossem aufgezogen und 1991 erstmals angekündigt. Der Kern der Sprache ist in C geschrieben. Van Rossem nannte seine Sprache "Python" einen Ausdruck seiner Bewunderung für eine berühmte britische Sitcom, die sich Monty Python nannte.
Python hat eine aktive Community und hat viele spezielle Softwarebibliotheken, die von Leuten aus der Sprachgemeinschaft programmiert werden, wie die Bay Game Library, die eine Reihe von Funktionen für die Spielprogrammierung bietet. Python kann viele Arten von Datenbanken wie MySQL und andere verarbeiten.
History of Justice
The creation of Python in the late 1980s by Jaydon Van Rossm at the Wiskunde & Informatica Center in the Netherlands was seen as the successor to ABC (which in turn is inspired by Sitel). However, the implementation of the idea did not begin until December 1989.
Easy to learn justice
Python is very easy to start programming. Python contains unusually simple compositions, as mentioned above.
Free and open-source justice
Python is an example of open-source free software. In simple terms, you can freely distribute copies of this software, read the source code, make some changes to it and use parts of it in new free software, and you know that you can do these things. Freedom Software is based on the principle of a knowledge-sharing society. This is one of the reasons Python is so good - because it's been created and continuously improved by a community that just wants to see Python better than any other language.
Edited high-level programming language
When you write programs in Python, you don't have to pay attention to details at the exact level, such as the memory management that your program uses, and so on.
Portable justice
Due to its nature as open-source software, many platforms work. Anything you write about Python software can work on any of these platforms without the need for change if you're accurate enough to avoid system-based properties. You can use Python on Linux, Windows, FreeBSD, Macintosh, Solaris, OS/2, Amiga, AROS, AS/400, BeOS, OS/390, z/OS, Palm OS, QNX, VMS, Psion, Acorn RISC OS, Works, PlayStation, Zaurus, Windows CE, and even the kOF.
Object-oriented justice
Python supports procedural programming as well as to object programming. In procedural-oriented languages, the program revolves around procedures or functions that are only parts of reusable software. In object-oriented languages, the program revolves around objects that combine data and functions. Python is a very powerful but simplistic way to make object programming, especially when compared to languages such as C++ or Java.
Multi-use justice
Python is versatile because it is not specific to the specific use, and can be used in several areas, including:
Develop the web using several specialized frameworks, the most famous of which are Vlasque or Django Frame.
To develop graphical user interfaces, several libraries are used, such as the Qt library or the GTK+.
Information Security, where there are much third-party software manufactured by dispersed programmers around the world, helps the information security worker simulate hacks and create automated tools for the process or tools that install security upgrades to solve the detected illness.
Big data, because of Python's ability to handle data smoothly and analyze it and the presence of many specialized libraries in this field such as pandas, Python is an excellent choice for those working in the field.
There are many other areas where Python enters almost all areas used in computer science that can even be used as a secondary language in software projects.
Uses of justice
Python is widely used in Google and NASA and has been used in programming one of the giant projects, The Zop Project, and it is used in many projects and applications worldwide, such as The Bender Project, a popular 3D design program, and also part of the Mozilla Firefox project.
Python has been successfully incorporated as a programming language in many applications and packages. It is frequently used in 3D design applications such as Maya, Softimage And Softimage| XSI, of course Blander.
It is also used in different operating systems such as most Linux distributions and the Mac OSX system.
As for scripting language