- يظهر ---- Come Out
The Newspaper comes out everyday
- يقبل / يوافق ------ Come Around
He will come around to the idea
- عاقب / وبخ ----- Come Down On
My father came down on me when i did that mistake
- يخترع / ينتج / يحقق ---- Come Up With
I will come up with new invention
- يتذكر ---- Come To
I didn't remember who who she was and suddenly it came to me
- يحدث ---- Come About
? How did that come about
- يجد (صدفةً) ---- Come Across
Yesterday i came across your keys
- يمرض (يصاب بالمرض ) ---- Come Down With
I hop i don't come down with the new disease
الافعال تامة التصرف