السلام عليكم و رحمة الله
كما تعرفون مصر لا يمكنها الإستقبال من Paypal
سحبت من موقع خمسات و أسناد حوالى 300 دولار إلى حساب أحد الأصدقاء الذى كان مسافراً لأمريكا و لديه حساب فى bank of america و لكن الفيزا كارد الخاصه به منتهية الصلاحية
حينما أردت الشراء من Ebay عن طريق حسابه فى Paypal لم أتمكن و طلب منى إدخال تجديد الفيزا برغم أن الحساب به 300$ ولا أحتاج للفيزا فى شئ
حاولت أن أرسل الحواله لحساب صديق آخر من السعوديه و لكن فشل الأمر دون إبداء أى أسباب
راسلت الباى بال و كان هذا ردهم
Thank you for contacting PayPal. I understand that you are unable to make a payment and I will be more than happy to help.
I see that the reason why the payment did not go through is because it has been blocked by PayPal's Security system. We analyze every detail of the transaction and compare that to all the transactions that have been made through PayPal; if we see that payment fits a pattern that we have identified to have a high rate of failure, then we may limit the funding sources available for the transaction.
For security reasons we are not given details as to why your payment did not complete and how our system works as to do so would undermine the security itself by encouraging people to try and find ways around it. While we recognize that this can be a frustrating experience for you this security system helps uphold the safety and integrity of the PayPal community overall.
You can try sending your payment at a later time, or you can contact the merchant for alternate payment methods.
أتمنى المساعده إذا وقع أحدكم فى هذه المشكلة من ذى قبل ؟