Hi there -whoever you're :v - and welcome to the oldest not-active society that have been created since the launch of Hsoub I/O (aka Arabia I/O) x

BTW, I really think that "society" is not the word that describes this place the best; maybe we should say "community", "group" or something like that, what do you say? x

You may have noticed that I add an "x" at the end of every line, well that's because I/O is not so LTR friendly, so to make sure that everything is displayed properly, every line must end with a letter, not a dot or a comma or any of those symbols. x

So that's what I have to say -at least for now-, make yourself home and help me bring life back to this dead community :D ... feel free to share content on any non-Arabic language, and don't forget to bring some hot topics to the table so we can discuss it here from time to time :) x