As part of the administrative management of L2 LMD students at University and by using the TAD LIST, studied in progress and implemented in the previous parts of this practical work, we ask you to carry out a certain number of general functionalities and "generics" to ensure:
1. Registration of a student or a set of students, with pr each: ncard, name,
first name, date of birth and address (city only). 2. The TRI of the list of students in alphabetical order by name (this feature will be
used by the administration, once the majority of students are enrolled). 3. Transfer of an Et1 student to Constantine 2 University (the list is already sorted)
4. The Exclusion of a given Et2 student, having exceeded the limit of absences that can be
5. Calculation of the number of L2 students who are not from Constantine. Design these functionalities according to the TAD approach with as generic a vision as possible (for their
later reuse), then realize them (here in Java) with the chained implementation of the list of
students. Always think about optimizing your solutions by opting for those that reduce
complexity better (don't calculate real time, but base your choices on theoretical complexity
of your solutions)
Bonus: Resume achievement of previous features with contiguous implementation of student list always with efficiency factor to consider. Then compare the two implementations (this one and the previous one) by considering the efficiency factor (reduced complexity),
especially for Registration and Exclusion.