هذه اللغة جديدة بعض الشيء تهدف إلى جعل برمجة الويب سهلة مثل PHP وقوية مثل روبي وبايثون.
لغة Slash خليط مابين روبي وبايثون وPHP
هذا تعريف بسيط لأهداف اللغة من صاحبها :
Hi, I'm the author of Slash. I wasn't expecting Slash to show up here so soon - the website's pretty out of date and the language itself still needs a bit more polish before it's ready for use.
Slash is something I'm building out of personal need. I love Ruby, but there isn't much going on in the 'small web scripts' area. It's either frameworks like Rails or Sinatra that require app servers constantly running, or tools like Jekyll that can only do static websites. Slash is somewhere in between. It's not supposed to be a 'PHP successor' as much as it's supposed to be something that Python or Ruby fans can turn to when they just need to chuck a small script up on the web.
والله العظيم اتخمونا باللغات البرمجية ، يحسسوني ان انشاء لغة برمجية بمسحة كيبورد .
امس كنت اقرى عن لغة GO الخاصة بغوغل واليوم لغة سلاش :)....
والله دوخونا !!!