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جاسبر ريبورت - الخاصية print when expression لا تعمل

I want to show some specific data on report, so I add Print When Expression to textfield tied to column on database. Click on detail1 area and add to Print When Expression the following code: $F{InvoiceValue}.intValue() >= $P{MinInvoiceValue} I do what in next link precisely :  https://www.packtpub.com/packtlib/book/Big-Data-and-Business-Intelligence/9781849510769/2/ch02lvl1sec05/Using%20parameters%20to%20filter%20records%20during%20report%20processing Add parameter and name it MinInvoiceValue Change Parameter Class to java.lang.Integer I unified the data type of textfield and corresponding on database same type (integer).Then when tab on preview. View didnt run. I