أسماء النطاقات ليست حساسة لحالة الأحرف حسب معايير الـDNS، اطلع على
3. Name Lookup, Label Types, and CLASS
**According to the original DNS design decision, comparisons on name
lookup for DNS queries should be case insensitive** [STD13]. That is
to say, a lookup string octet with a value in the inclusive range
from 0x41 to 0x5A, the uppercase ASCII letters, MUST match the
identical value and also match the corresponding value in the
inclusive range from 0x61 to 0x7A, the lowercase ASCII letters. A
lookup string octet with a lowercase ASCII letter value MUST
similarly match the identical value and also match the corresponding
value in the uppercase ASCII letter range.
فالإسمين arabia.io و ARABIA.IO متطابقين.