اثناء بحثي في احد قنوات التلجرام الخاصة بوضع افكار لمشاريع صادفت ما يسمى pathfund crypto فبعدما بحثت وجدت عدة افكار وكذالك فيديوهات لكن وددت لو اجد هنا احد على دراية بهذه التقنية

هل لدى احدكم فكرة عنها ؟

هذا مضمون الرسالة في تلجرام

Invest in cryptos next Big Idea
The PathFund project and token is revolutionizing crypto ICO's by developing a pre-audited safe launchpad that will both ensure buyer safety and project success. There are many benefits for PathFund holders, including exclusive access to new token launches!
Don't wait until it takes off without you! Buying during a dip is a time-tested strategy. Join the TG group for more info- or watch this on how to buy-