لدى Assignment , ولا اريد الكود الخاص به , اريد ان افهم ماذا يطلب هذا ال Assignment

الانجليزية لدى جيدا , ولكن اللغة الانجليزية المستخدمه فى البرمجة مازلت صعبه قليلا

ساعدنى افهم كل ما هو مطلوب فى هذا البرنامج , وانا ابرمجه بنفسى ,

هذا محتوى الملف

هنا صورة ان كان الكلام مبهم او غير منسق جيدا

Problem 1:

a) Develop a function called (printHexDig) that prints a hexadecimal digit. The input to the

function is an integer that has a value between 0 and 15 (inclusive). For example, the function

prints "A" when it is called with the argument 10.

b) Develop a function (printHexNum) that gets a 32-bit number and prints it as a hexadecimal

number (you should use the function printHexDig).

c) Develop a program to test the functions in Part a & Part b. Your program has to ask the

user to enter an integer then prints out the number in hexadecimal.

Problem 2:

a) Develop the function "mulInt" that multiplies 2 integers using the repeated addition


b) Use the function "mulInt" to implement a recursive function (fact) that calculates the


c) Develop a program to test the function "fact"

Problem 3:

a) Re-implement the function "mulInt" using the shift and add method. You may read about

this method @


b) Develop a program to test the function "mulInt".

Problem 4:

Write a program that reads a sentence from the user then prints it out with the first letter of

each word being capitalized.

ان اردت زيادة فى مساعدتى يمكنك ان تدلنى على مكتبات ابدأ بها او خطوات تنفيذية معنيه

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