السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته

لدي سؤال لم أستطيع فهمه

بحيث مطلوب حله بلغة ++c

هذا هو السؤال :

"Create a class named Time that contains integer fields for hours and minutes.

Store thehours in military time, that is, 0 through 23. Add a function that displays

the fields, usinga colon to separate hours and minutes. (Make sure the minutes

display as two digits. For example, 3 o’clock should display as 3:00, not 3:0.) Add .

another function that takes an argument that represents minutes to add to the

time. The function updates the time based on the number of minutes added. For

example, 12:30 plus 15 is 12:45, 14:50 plus 20 is 15:10, and 23:59 plus 2 is 0:01.

The Time constructor requires an argument for hours. The argument for minutes is

optional; the value defaults to 0 if no argument is supplied. The constructor

ensures that the hours field is not greater than 23 and that the minutes field is not

greater than 59; default to these maximum values if the arguments to the

constructor are out of range. Create a main() function that instantiates an array of

at least four Time objects and demonstrates that they display correctly both before

and after varying amounts of time have been added to them