السلام للجميع...

معي حالة غريبة بس ما قدرت اوصفها. لذلك حاولت ابحث بشتى الطرق بغوغل عنها لين ما لقيت واحد بنفس حالتي وحسيت انه يتكلم عن نفسي بالضبط. سأقتبس ما قاله واعتبروه انه يتحدث عني. الموضوع باللغة الانجليزية للاسف. المهم هل تعتقدوا هذا شي طبيعي ام شي خارج عن الطبيعة والمألوف. مستني رأيكم لاني قلق بهذا الشيئ

 I have been overly aware of my existence/consciousness. It's like one day I realized I am a living being, existing in this body of mine. I can not take my mind off of myself, as in my own existence. It's not just thoughts either, I actually feel panic with it and feel as if my mind and body are separated. It feels like I am too awake! it's like I am conscious of my consciousness. I often feel stuck or literally trapped in my body. I will feel as if I am just this horizontal skin, bones and muscle thing and feel entrapped in my body. it's like I want to get away or break free from myself but it's impossible and I know it sounds silly. my body seems irrelevant. it's like I am afraid of my own being. it's hard because its like I can't get away from thinking of my own self and noticing my own self... I notice every action I take and everything I do. it's like I didn't notice myself existing or living like "normal" people do but now I do and it's at the forefront of my every breath. I don't know how to get over this because I mean its my own existence, being in this body, that I am overly aware of/fixated on 24/7. these aren't just rummaging thoughts, with it comes the mental perception and disconnect so not just thoughts. The fact that I am in my body and notice it scares me. It's like I didn't ever notice this before or think about it and now that I have it scares me.